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For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. 

For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—

though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die— 

but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:6-8

Worship is a gift of grace. 

Why? As you read Paul’s words in Romans 5:6-8 we see that we are sinners. More than that, we are described as ungodly. The clear implication here is that we are all unrighteous people. Even “bad” people! Wow. This is bad news. 

Yet there is also good news here, and this changes everything: “…but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” 

God loves the ungodly. He loves us so much that Christ died for us, taking our place, taking our punishment, securing our forgiveness and eternal life by his blood. We just need to accept this gift by faith.

And so we come together on Sunday mornings as redeemed sinners, the unrighteous made holy, the ungodly embraced and accepted by God himself. Worship is a gift of grace.

We gather each week in the presence of God as the people of God to give him the praise and adoration that he so richly deserves. We rehearse the truth of the gospel in our worship as we sing songs of praise and adoration, read and receive Scripture, and lift up prayers to God. Our fellowship is made up of all generations, and kids are always welcome! We have childcare available throughout the service for ages 3 and under, and a special Kids’ Time and activity bags during the service for all of our young worshipers (as we wish a very Happy Mother’s Day to all of our moms, too!) Central to our worship is hearing from God through the preaching of the Bible. Pastor Michael Mackens continues our sermon series in Matthew looking at what Jesus has to say about the end times in Matthew 25:31-46.

You can prepare for gathered worship by finding a few moments to simply engage with the Scripture and songs for this week. Ask God to use our time together to draw you closer to Him, to build up His church, and to glorify Himself. This week’s song playlist can be found on Spotify and YouTube. Everything you need to know about our Sunday worship services can be found on our website.

See you this Sunday!   